Monday, 23 February 2009

America's Next Top Shorty

America's Next Top Shorty

Cwantm11analeigh_200 Ladies, you know that lie you tell yourself when you look at fashion models? "The one thing keeping me from being a model is my height"? Well, now there's no excuse. Removing itself further than ever from the actual world of fashion, for its 13th cycle, "America's Next Top Model" has now put a height MAXIMUM on its contestants: a whopping 5 feet, 7 inches.

“There have been top supermodels in the past that weren’t as tall as the industry demands, like fashion icon Kate Moss,” said Tyra Banks in a press release announcing the casting call. “So we are changing up ‘Top Model’ for cycle 13 and making it a year for the shorter model!”

What's going to be the gimmick for the next casting call? Models with no faces?

—Claire Zulkey

(Photo: Analeigh, Cycle 11. Credit: The CW)


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